Govind Bali on Equestrian Industry In India

Govind Bali is a professional horse rider and trainer who is expressing his views about the equestrian Industry in India

The less wrote about industry of equestrian sport is yet in the childhood stage, horses being a pet and an occupation in most of the hill stations  the industry is still run by dynasties of families involved from Rajasthan and northern part of the country where as the racing industry is yet popularizing professional knowledge of the sport is missing, equine itself is an alien term to people in India with classic Marwari and Kathiawar  horsemen and horse struggling to enter the main stream sport competing with the armed forces and with coming in of Henovarians and warmbloods in the sports industry it seems as if it a hospital with different kinds of patients some under recovery phase while some still in the ICU.

I am writing this with an anguish that even after having one of the best horses in the world we are  still dependent on the western industry with most of the saddlery being manufactured in India, China, Pakistan we are still far behind to represent  yourself in the equestrian sport, with traditional ghodi wala’s providing horse riding in schools and lacking professional qualifications the industry is getting paralysed though it should be noted the civilians are doing great in the industry now with great horse men like Mritunjay Rathore owning and training great horses with children from big institutions like embassy school of riding do well but the masses are being trained by unskilled labour. Being part of the industry for more than 8 years now I feel we need to move a step forward and  organise the sector and make it a mainstream occupation in the animal industry with the government stepping in opening loans and special hospitals for the equines with recruiting of equation officers in places where horses are being used as transporters like in Amarnath,Vaishno Devi ,Kufri and so on so that animal rights can be protected and occupation can be generated. With coming in of companies like royal equestrians and Tudo Calvo things seem to shape up a bit with the Dunload horse safari reaching international heights and thing working out with coming in of the indigenous horse society and registration of studs it a positive side. But main stream professional ethics are still missing in the industry

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